Carenza van Willingh
Marketing Manager
As much, if not more, than the quality of the production and management of the various events espAfrika is recognised for, it is the attention to its individual brand identity that makes it and its events, stand out in the crowd. This is largely due to the innovative and artistic flair of Carenza van Willingh, who has spent the past decade at the company, crafting a recognisable signature that is known far and wide. Nowhere is this more evident than in the creative concepts and execution of the Cape Town International Jazz Festival. But more than having an eye for colour, form and flow and her articulation thereof, Carenza is a highly organised and detailed planner, negotiator and cultured individual. As a leader, she leads the charge from the front, getting stuck in to whatever is at hand and in her own words: “performs best when under pressure as that is when the best diamonds are made.” This also allows the team to deliver even beyond their collective, high expectations.
Blessed with a tremendous sense of humour, her fun side is tempered with the ability to think laterally and problem solve, while a series of qualifications in marketing management, marketing strategy, communications, graphic design and digital marketing, brings a comprehensive understanding to the role of marketing and its requirements in the 21st century – one that is ever connected and engaged. Carenza is constantly learning new skills to keep abreast of market trends and translates these into winning marketing plans that are easy to execute and perform. The results speak for themselves.